Mega Race Pack 5 Maps
nice !
@skelepap ))
Did you even test these 2 maps yourself? They suck. Way too many boosts on the first map as well as unnecessary slow-down pads. You put a lot of effort into this, but the maps truly suck. The second isn't even completely playable. You keep driving into the stunt tunnels as they're overlapping. To those who are thinking of downloading this : Don't. Go to rockstar's social club and add the races there to your game. They're actually functional.
맵 적용을 어떡해 하는건가요???
@ShawnPR1 and it should be on one card and if you do not like something then go in the ass!
what are the changes in the new update?
@skelepap new map!
Добавь в описание ссылки на пару модов для гонок:
Кстати не пробовал мод Community Races ??? Он с такими трассами не работает?
@SIIIB я хз
@SIIIB я все моды не качаю только те которые мне нужни
how to use?
@bigerthan menyoo mod
i installed tried them sry but half of them you cant even drive on not to good a mod
Дружище, это с онлайна оригинальные трасы?