Project Textures Revamped 1.4.0
I am 17 years old guy from Lithuania who's trying to learn game designing.
This mod is a part of my first big project.
At the moment i am learning texture modifying/creating.
I thought i will share my work for others so they can play with them but they are pc specs demanding keep that in mind.
All of the textures you will download consist of 1024x1024(1K),2048x2048(2K),4096x4096(4K) resolutions.
Porpuse of this mod is to replace all vanilla textures with uspcaled ones.
More updates to come with more upscaled textures.
My goal is to upscale all of the textures inside of all x64.rpf files.
from x64a.rpf to x64w.rpf and even dlc updated textures.
If you want to chat, have any suggestions or even experiencing issues make sure to join to my discord:
Expect weekly updates, maybe even 2 updates in one week who knows. But please have patience because this takes alot of time.
I would love to see some videos created with this mod.
If you want to see both sides compared please consider checking screenshots.
Mod was tested on the newest version and works perfectly fine if not i will inform all of you.
Before complaining that the mod is crashing make sure to download gameconfig,heap adjuster, Packfile Limit Adjuster, ModKitLimit Extender, Resource Adjuster, fwBoxStreamerVariable and decals limit patch.
Installation is quite simple you just need to follow all paths and add or replace files provided in the downloaded file. Simple as that ^^
If you looking to parner up with me make sure to hit me on my discord Akari#0658 (only if your capable of modding)
I created a patreon account for anyone who is willing to support my work.
If you don't have any money or just can't do this don't worry you won't lose much.
I have created a couple of small projects on patreon only such as:
Project North Yankton Revamped
Project Peds Revamped
Project Vehicles Revamped
Project Weapons Revamped
Before pledding to my patreon make sure to read everything and have a deep though if it's worth for you.
I am not asking for you money specifically it's your choice if you want to support me.
And if you do i am very thankfull.
Patch Notes:
First public release
106 added retextured files
Fix some found issues from 1.0
Improved 1.0 versions files with new technique
Included 1.1 version fix
Retextured all files inside x64u.rpf
Fully redid whole mod.
Packed all files to dlcpacks due to instability reasons when x64 reach higher file size.
Fully retextured water and water foam, beach foam included.
Made water a bit more clear.
Entire vegetation has been retextured from small rocks, bushes, to trees, palms, corals and more.
Retextured couple of roads in country side.
New fire texture.
Performance tweaks should now be able to handle bigger textures then before
Retextured about 60% roads including dirt roads
Retextured about 80% railways
Retextured road barriers along side with road textures
Retextured couple of sings in freeway
Fully retextured roads, sidewalks, drains, road barries, road damages, road markings and dirt roads while maintaining original design of the roads.
Fully retextured railways and bridges.
Fully retextured tram railways.
Retextured various pipes, walls, alleyways, couple of signs in freeway, treeholes, pavements.
Retextured Hollywood walk of fame.
Improved furgrass.
Retextured more vegetation.
Retextured breakable glass.
Retextured rope and steel cables.
Retextured binoculars outlines.
Retextured various small plants.
Retextured various sand textures.
Retextured various ground textures.
Retextured more hedges.
Retextured more random litter around the map.
Retextured some forgotten road textures and railway.
Retextured Los Santos drain river.
From now screenshots of new updates will be included in the file
Retextured rubbish:
Homeles shelters
Box pilles
Bus wrecks
Trash bags
Piles of boxes
Car wrecks
1.0.0 New Version:
Made it compatible with newest version's of the game
Repacked entire mod in to new folders
New textures for:
Car wrecks all 14 variations
Rusty Generators
Homeless Couches
Abbandoned car chassis
Rusty containers
Poster under the bridge where homeless people live
Prop forklift(unusable)
Homeless matress
Piles of rubble
Rail wrecks
Metal scraps
Boxes made of carton
Truck wrecks
Abandoned washer
All sorts of wreckages
Skid boxes
Homeless people tents and tent cloth
Broken/Abbandoned chairs
Various downtown textures(like walls,roads,markings,stickers and basically everything you see)(not fully completed)
Prologue destructable interior
Gas station signs
Billboards frames
Various road signs
More downtown textures
More desert textures
Roads in Hollywood, sidewalks, road decals, fur grass, drains, treeholes, grass
Roads in Industrial zone, sidewalks, road decals, fur grass, drains, treeholes, grass, bridges and decals, flyers, signs, freeway barriers
Roads in Port, sidewalks, road decals, signs
Roads in Scentral, sidewalks, road decals, signs, fur grass, tunnels, fences, flyers, fences, graffitis, freeway barriers
Now available for fivem too thanks to Killaa, client sided and server sided
Global changes: freeway signs, litter, hedges, parking oil splatters, night lights, paleto roads
Roads in Sunset district, sidewalks, grass, road markings, treeholes, fur grass
Roads in Korea Town district, sidewalks, grass, road markings, treeholes, fur grass, trams, kerbs, drains
Roads in Beverly district, sidewalks, grass, road markings, treeholes, fur grass, leaves, road damage, leaf litter, paves, sings, metal doors, gates
Roads in Sanpedro district, sidewalks, road markings, road damage, bridges, decals, drains
Roads in Santamon district, sidewalks, grass, treeholes, fur grass, drains
Roads in Venice district, sidewalks, road markings, grass, gates, fur grass, road damage, drains
Hundreds of new textures for downtown district
Redid some old textures
New Mapdetail textures
More textures in downtown area such as:
Walls(Metal, brick, wooden)
Carsigns, brand signs, billboards, car parking signs, signs ripped in pieces, CMK logos
Concrete, grass, elements, floor tiles, roofs, fences, cranes
Wall paint, gravel, railways, roads, mosaics, graffitis, rubble
Metal panels, fur grass, car parking, doors, ventilation
Windows, emmisive lights, drains, road markings, side walks
Speed bumps, garage doors, stones
Traffic lights and rail lights(Thanks to Killa for providing this texture)
From 1.3.0 version fivem will not be supported anymore due to not having enough size to upload it, 1.2.0 will still be avaible for fivem
Hundreds of new textures for farm districts(such as fences, ground, trucks, gates, dumpster, barrels, bins, windmills etc.. (88files))
Thousands of new textures for hollywood district(Ladders, brick walls in alleys, bank logo, various doors, peebles, movie posters, slabs, brick roofs, windows
gravel, hundreds of different wall and ground textures, tatto shop logo, signs, marble, road and wall decals and many more stuff to much to name) (over 100 files)
More retextured grass
New folder magenement
Recommended mods to use if you experience some issues:
Have fun :)
This mod is a part of my first big project.
At the moment i am learning texture modifying/creating.
I thought i will share my work for others so they can play with them but they are pc specs demanding keep that in mind.
All of the textures you will download consist of 1024x1024(1K),2048x2048(2K),4096x4096(4K) resolutions.
Porpuse of this mod is to replace all vanilla textures with uspcaled ones.
More updates to come with more upscaled textures.
My goal is to upscale all of the textures inside of all x64.rpf files.
from x64a.rpf to x64w.rpf and even dlc updated textures.
If you want to chat, have any suggestions or even experiencing issues make sure to join to my discord:
Expect weekly updates, maybe even 2 updates in one week who knows. But please have patience because this takes alot of time.
I would love to see some videos created with this mod.
If you want to see both sides compared please consider checking screenshots.
Mod was tested on the newest version and works perfectly fine if not i will inform all of you.
Before complaining that the mod is crashing make sure to download gameconfig,heap adjuster, Packfile Limit Adjuster, ModKitLimit Extender, Resource Adjuster, fwBoxStreamerVariable and decals limit patch.
Installation is quite simple you just need to follow all paths and add or replace files provided in the downloaded file. Simple as that ^^
If you looking to parner up with me make sure to hit me on my discord Akari#0658 (only if your capable of modding)
I created a patreon account for anyone who is willing to support my work.
If you don't have any money or just can't do this don't worry you won't lose much.
I have created a couple of small projects on patreon only such as:
Project North Yankton Revamped
Project Peds Revamped
Project Vehicles Revamped
Project Weapons Revamped
Before pledding to my patreon make sure to read everything and have a deep though if it's worth for you.
I am not asking for you money specifically it's your choice if you want to support me.
And if you do i am very thankfull.
Patch Notes:
First public release
106 added retextured files
Fix some found issues from 1.0
Improved 1.0 versions files with new technique
Included 1.1 version fix
Retextured all files inside x64u.rpf
Fully redid whole mod.
Packed all files to dlcpacks due to instability reasons when x64 reach higher file size.
Fully retextured water and water foam, beach foam included.
Made water a bit more clear.
Entire vegetation has been retextured from small rocks, bushes, to trees, palms, corals and more.
Retextured couple of roads in country side.
New fire texture.
Performance tweaks should now be able to handle bigger textures then before
Retextured about 60% roads including dirt roads
Retextured about 80% railways
Retextured road barriers along side with road textures
Retextured couple of sings in freeway
Fully retextured roads, sidewalks, drains, road barries, road damages, road markings and dirt roads while maintaining original design of the roads.
Fully retextured railways and bridges.
Fully retextured tram railways.
Retextured various pipes, walls, alleyways, couple of signs in freeway, treeholes, pavements.
Retextured Hollywood walk of fame.
Improved furgrass.
Retextured more vegetation.
Retextured breakable glass.
Retextured rope and steel cables.
Retextured binoculars outlines.
Retextured various small plants.
Retextured various sand textures.
Retextured various ground textures.
Retextured more hedges.
Retextured more random litter around the map.
Retextured some forgotten road textures and railway.
Retextured Los Santos drain river.
From now screenshots of new updates will be included in the file
Retextured rubbish:
Homeles shelters
Box pilles
Bus wrecks
Trash bags
Piles of boxes
Car wrecks
1.0.0 New Version:
Made it compatible with newest version's of the game
Repacked entire mod in to new folders
New textures for:
Car wrecks all 14 variations
Rusty Generators
Homeless Couches
Abbandoned car chassis
Rusty containers
Poster under the bridge where homeless people live
Prop forklift(unusable)
Homeless matress
Piles of rubble
Rail wrecks
Metal scraps
Boxes made of carton
Truck wrecks
Abandoned washer
All sorts of wreckages
Skid boxes
Homeless people tents and tent cloth
Broken/Abbandoned chairs
Various downtown textures(like walls,roads,markings,stickers and basically everything you see)(not fully completed)
Prologue destructable interior
Gas station signs
Billboards frames
Various road signs
More downtown textures
More desert textures
Roads in Hollywood, sidewalks, road decals, fur grass, drains, treeholes, grass
Roads in Industrial zone, sidewalks, road decals, fur grass, drains, treeholes, grass, bridges and decals, flyers, signs, freeway barriers
Roads in Port, sidewalks, road decals, signs
Roads in Scentral, sidewalks, road decals, signs, fur grass, tunnels, fences, flyers, fences, graffitis, freeway barriers
Now available for fivem too thanks to Killaa, client sided and server sided
Global changes: freeway signs, litter, hedges, parking oil splatters, night lights, paleto roads
Roads in Sunset district, sidewalks, grass, road markings, treeholes, fur grass
Roads in Korea Town district, sidewalks, grass, road markings, treeholes, fur grass, trams, kerbs, drains
Roads in Beverly district, sidewalks, grass, road markings, treeholes, fur grass, leaves, road damage, leaf litter, paves, sings, metal doors, gates
Roads in Sanpedro district, sidewalks, road markings, road damage, bridges, decals, drains
Roads in Santamon district, sidewalks, grass, treeholes, fur grass, drains
Roads in Venice district, sidewalks, road markings, grass, gates, fur grass, road damage, drains
Hundreds of new textures for downtown district
Redid some old textures
New Mapdetail textures
More textures in downtown area such as:
Walls(Metal, brick, wooden)
Carsigns, brand signs, billboards, car parking signs, signs ripped in pieces, CMK logos
Concrete, grass, elements, floor tiles, roofs, fences, cranes
Wall paint, gravel, railways, roads, mosaics, graffitis, rubble
Metal panels, fur grass, car parking, doors, ventilation
Windows, emmisive lights, drains, road markings, side walks
Speed bumps, garage doors, stones
Traffic lights and rail lights(Thanks to Killa for providing this texture)
From 1.3.0 version fivem will not be supported anymore due to not having enough size to upload it, 1.2.0 will still be avaible for fivem
Hundreds of new textures for farm districts(such as fences, ground, trucks, gates, dumpster, barrels, bins, windmills etc.. (88files))
Thousands of new textures for hollywood district(Ladders, brick walls in alleys, bank logo, various doors, peebles, movie posters, slabs, brick roofs, windows
gravel, hundreds of different wall and ground textures, tatto shop logo, signs, marble, road and wall decals and many more stuff to much to name) (over 100 files)
More retextured grass
New folder magenement
Recommended mods to use if you experience some issues:
Have fun :)
Tải lên lần đầu: 19 Tháng bảy, 2022
Cập nhật lần cuối: 04 Tháng sáu, 2023
Last Downloaded: 1 hours ago
138 Bình luận
More mods by THEFalkone:

- Weapon Texture
1.1 Lite
By THEFalkone

- Config
1.2 Discontinued
By THEFalkone
I am 17 years old guy from Lithuania who's trying to learn game designing.
This mod is a part of my first big project.
At the moment i am learning texture modifying/creating.
I thought i will share my work for others so they can play with them but they are pc specs demanding keep that in mind.
All of the textures you will download consist of 1024x1024(1K),2048x2048(2K),4096x4096(4K) resolutions.
Porpuse of this mod is to replace all vanilla textures with uspcaled ones.
More updates to come with more upscaled textures.
My goal is to upscale all of the textures inside of all x64.rpf files.
from x64a.rpf to x64w.rpf and even dlc updated textures.
If you want to chat, have any suggestions or even experiencing issues make sure to join to my discord:
Expect weekly updates, maybe even 2 updates in one week who knows. But please have patience because this takes alot of time.
I would love to see some videos created with this mod.
If you want to see both sides compared please consider checking screenshots.
Mod was tested on the newest version and works perfectly fine if not i will inform all of you.
Before complaining that the mod is crashing make sure to download gameconfig,heap adjuster, Packfile Limit Adjuster, ModKitLimit Extender, Resource Adjuster, fwBoxStreamerVariable and decals limit patch.
Installation is quite simple you just need to follow all paths and add or replace files provided in the downloaded file. Simple as that ^^
If you looking to parner up with me make sure to hit me on my discord Akari#0658 (only if your capable of modding)
I created a patreon account for anyone who is willing to support my work.
If you don't have any money or just can't do this don't worry you won't lose much.
I have created a couple of small projects on patreon only such as:
Project North Yankton Revamped
Project Peds Revamped
Project Vehicles Revamped
Project Weapons Revamped
Before pledding to my patreon make sure to read everything and have a deep though if it's worth for you.
I am not asking for you money specifically it's your choice if you want to support me.
And if you do i am very thankfull.
Patch Notes:
First public release
106 added retextured files
Fix some found issues from 1.0
Improved 1.0 versions files with new technique
Included 1.1 version fix
Retextured all files inside x64u.rpf
Fully redid whole mod.
Packed all files to dlcpacks due to instability reasons when x64 reach higher file size.
Fully retextured water and water foam, beach foam included.
Made water a bit more clear.
Entire vegetation has been retextured from small rocks, bushes, to trees, palms, corals and more.
Retextured couple of roads in country side.
New fire texture.
Performance tweaks should now be able to handle bigger textures then before
Retextured about 60% roads including dirt roads
Retextured about 80% railways
Retextured road barriers along side with road textures
Retextured couple of sings in freeway
Fully retextured roads, sidewalks, drains, road barries, road damages, road markings and dirt roads while maintaining original design of the roads.
Fully retextured railways and bridges.
Fully retextured tram railways.
Retextured various pipes, walls, alleyways, couple of signs in freeway, treeholes, pavements.
Retextured Hollywood walk of fame.
Improved furgrass.
Retextured more vegetation.
Retextured breakable glass.
Retextured rope and steel cables.
Retextured binoculars outlines.
Retextured various small plants.
Retextured various sand textures.
Retextured various ground textures.
Retextured more hedges.
Retextured more random litter around the map.
Retextured some forgotten road textures and railway.
Retextured Los Santos drain river.
From now screenshots of new updates will be included in the file
Retextured rubbish:
Homeles shelters
Box pilles
Bus wrecks
Trash bags
Piles of boxes
Car wrecks
1.0.0 New Version:
Made it compatible with newest version's of the game
Repacked entire mod in to new folders
New textures for:
Car wrecks all 14 variations
Rusty Generators
Homeless Couches
Abbandoned car chassis
Rusty containers
Poster under the bridge where homeless people live
Prop forklift(unusable)
Homeless matress
Piles of rubble
Rail wrecks
Metal scraps
Boxes made of carton
Truck wrecks
Abandoned washer
All sorts of wreckages
Skid boxes
Homeless people tents and tent cloth
Broken/Abbandoned chairs
Various downtown textures(like walls,roads,markings,stickers and basically everything you see)(not fully completed)
Prologue destructable interior
Gas station signs
Billboards frames
Various road signs
More downtown textures
More desert textures
Roads in Hollywood, sidewalks, road decals, fur grass, drains, treeholes, grass
Roads in Industrial zone, sidewalks, road decals, fur grass, drains, treeholes, grass, bridges and decals, flyers, signs, freeway barriers
Roads in Port, sidewalks, road decals, signs
Roads in Scentral, sidewalks, road decals, signs, fur grass, tunnels, fences, flyers, fences, graffitis, freeway barriers
Now available for fivem too thanks to Killaa, client sided and server sided
Global changes: freeway signs, litter, hedges, parking oil splatters, night lights, paleto roads
Roads in Sunset district, sidewalks, grass, road markings, treeholes, fur grass
Roads in Korea Town district, sidewalks, grass, road markings, treeholes, fur grass, trams, kerbs, drains
Roads in Beverly district, sidewalks, grass, road markings, treeholes, fur grass, leaves, road damage, leaf litter, paves, sings, metal doors, gates
Roads in Sanpedro district, sidewalks, road markings, road damage, bridges, decals, drains
Roads in Santamon district, sidewalks, grass, treeholes, fur grass, drains
Roads in Venice district, sidewalks, road markings, grass, gates, fur grass, road damage, drains
Hundreds of new textures for downtown district
Redid some old textures
New Mapdetail textures
More textures in downtown area such as:
Walls(Metal, brick, wooden)
Carsigns, brand signs, billboards, car parking signs, signs ripped in pieces, CMK logos
Concrete, grass, elements, floor tiles, roofs, fences, cranes
Wall paint, gravel, railways, roads, mosaics, graffitis, rubble
Metal panels, fur grass, car parking, doors, ventilation
Windows, emmisive lights, drains, road markings, side walks
Speed bumps, garage doors, stones
Traffic lights and rail lights(Thanks to Killa for providing this texture)
From 1.3.0 version fivem will not be supported anymore due to not having enough size to upload it, 1.2.0 will still be avaible for fivem
Hundreds of new textures for farm districts(such as fences, ground, trucks, gates, dumpster, barrels, bins, windmills etc.. (88files))
Thousands of new textures for hollywood district(Ladders, brick walls in alleys, bank logo, various doors, peebles, movie posters, slabs, brick roofs, windows
gravel, hundreds of different wall and ground textures, tatto shop logo, signs, marble, road and wall decals and many more stuff to much to name) (over 100 files)
More retextured grass
New folder magenement
Recommended mods to use if you experience some issues:
Have fun :)
This mod is a part of my first big project.
At the moment i am learning texture modifying/creating.
I thought i will share my work for others so they can play with them but they are pc specs demanding keep that in mind.
All of the textures you will download consist of 1024x1024(1K),2048x2048(2K),4096x4096(4K) resolutions.
Porpuse of this mod is to replace all vanilla textures with uspcaled ones.
More updates to come with more upscaled textures.
My goal is to upscale all of the textures inside of all x64.rpf files.
from x64a.rpf to x64w.rpf and even dlc updated textures.
If you want to chat, have any suggestions or even experiencing issues make sure to join to my discord:
Expect weekly updates, maybe even 2 updates in one week who knows. But please have patience because this takes alot of time.
I would love to see some videos created with this mod.
If you want to see both sides compared please consider checking screenshots.
Mod was tested on the newest version and works perfectly fine if not i will inform all of you.
Before complaining that the mod is crashing make sure to download gameconfig,heap adjuster, Packfile Limit Adjuster, ModKitLimit Extender, Resource Adjuster, fwBoxStreamerVariable and decals limit patch.
Installation is quite simple you just need to follow all paths and add or replace files provided in the downloaded file. Simple as that ^^
If you looking to parner up with me make sure to hit me on my discord Akari#0658 (only if your capable of modding)
I created a patreon account for anyone who is willing to support my work.
If you don't have any money or just can't do this don't worry you won't lose much.
I have created a couple of small projects on patreon only such as:
Project North Yankton Revamped
Project Peds Revamped
Project Vehicles Revamped
Project Weapons Revamped
Before pledding to my patreon make sure to read everything and have a deep though if it's worth for you.
I am not asking for you money specifically it's your choice if you want to support me.
And if you do i am very thankfull.
Patch Notes:
First public release
106 added retextured files
Fix some found issues from 1.0
Improved 1.0 versions files with new technique
Included 1.1 version fix
Retextured all files inside x64u.rpf
Fully redid whole mod.
Packed all files to dlcpacks due to instability reasons when x64 reach higher file size.
Fully retextured water and water foam, beach foam included.
Made water a bit more clear.
Entire vegetation has been retextured from small rocks, bushes, to trees, palms, corals and more.
Retextured couple of roads in country side.
New fire texture.
Performance tweaks should now be able to handle bigger textures then before
Retextured about 60% roads including dirt roads
Retextured about 80% railways
Retextured road barriers along side with road textures
Retextured couple of sings in freeway
Fully retextured roads, sidewalks, drains, road barries, road damages, road markings and dirt roads while maintaining original design of the roads.
Fully retextured railways and bridges.
Fully retextured tram railways.
Retextured various pipes, walls, alleyways, couple of signs in freeway, treeholes, pavements.
Retextured Hollywood walk of fame.
Improved furgrass.
Retextured more vegetation.
Retextured breakable glass.
Retextured rope and steel cables.
Retextured binoculars outlines.
Retextured various small plants.
Retextured various sand textures.
Retextured various ground textures.
Retextured more hedges.
Retextured more random litter around the map.
Retextured some forgotten road textures and railway.
Retextured Los Santos drain river.
From now screenshots of new updates will be included in the file
Retextured rubbish:
Homeles shelters
Box pilles
Bus wrecks
Trash bags
Piles of boxes
Car wrecks
1.0.0 New Version:
Made it compatible with newest version's of the game
Repacked entire mod in to new folders
New textures for:
Car wrecks all 14 variations
Rusty Generators
Homeless Couches
Abbandoned car chassis
Rusty containers
Poster under the bridge where homeless people live
Prop forklift(unusable)
Homeless matress
Piles of rubble
Rail wrecks
Metal scraps
Boxes made of carton
Truck wrecks
Abandoned washer
All sorts of wreckages
Skid boxes
Homeless people tents and tent cloth
Broken/Abbandoned chairs
Various downtown textures(like walls,roads,markings,stickers and basically everything you see)(not fully completed)
Prologue destructable interior
Gas station signs
Billboards frames
Various road signs
More downtown textures
More desert textures
Roads in Hollywood, sidewalks, road decals, fur grass, drains, treeholes, grass
Roads in Industrial zone, sidewalks, road decals, fur grass, drains, treeholes, grass, bridges and decals, flyers, signs, freeway barriers
Roads in Port, sidewalks, road decals, signs
Roads in Scentral, sidewalks, road decals, signs, fur grass, tunnels, fences, flyers, fences, graffitis, freeway barriers
Now available for fivem too thanks to Killaa, client sided and server sided
Global changes: freeway signs, litter, hedges, parking oil splatters, night lights, paleto roads
Roads in Sunset district, sidewalks, grass, road markings, treeholes, fur grass
Roads in Korea Town district, sidewalks, grass, road markings, treeholes, fur grass, trams, kerbs, drains
Roads in Beverly district, sidewalks, grass, road markings, treeholes, fur grass, leaves, road damage, leaf litter, paves, sings, metal doors, gates
Roads in Sanpedro district, sidewalks, road markings, road damage, bridges, decals, drains
Roads in Santamon district, sidewalks, grass, treeholes, fur grass, drains
Roads in Venice district, sidewalks, road markings, grass, gates, fur grass, road damage, drains
Hundreds of new textures for downtown district
Redid some old textures
New Mapdetail textures
More textures in downtown area such as:
Walls(Metal, brick, wooden)
Carsigns, brand signs, billboards, car parking signs, signs ripped in pieces, CMK logos
Concrete, grass, elements, floor tiles, roofs, fences, cranes
Wall paint, gravel, railways, roads, mosaics, graffitis, rubble
Metal panels, fur grass, car parking, doors, ventilation
Windows, emmisive lights, drains, road markings, side walks
Speed bumps, garage doors, stones
Traffic lights and rail lights(Thanks to Killa for providing this texture)
From 1.3.0 version fivem will not be supported anymore due to not having enough size to upload it, 1.2.0 will still be avaible for fivem
Hundreds of new textures for farm districts(such as fences, ground, trucks, gates, dumpster, barrels, bins, windmills etc.. (88files))
Thousands of new textures for hollywood district(Ladders, brick walls in alleys, bank logo, various doors, peebles, movie posters, slabs, brick roofs, windows
gravel, hundreds of different wall and ground textures, tatto shop logo, signs, marble, road and wall decals and many more stuff to much to name) (over 100 files)
More retextured grass
New folder magenement
Recommended mods to use if you experience some issues:
Have fun :)
Tải lên lần đầu: 19 Tháng bảy, 2022
Cập nhật lần cuối: 04 Tháng sáu, 2023
Last Downloaded: 1 hours ago
Hey there for now i am leaving gta 5 modding community and going to red dead redemption 2 modding.
If you want latest news about rdr2 mods make sure to joing our discord server.
Hello, could you add Automatic Installation option, so that I don't have to download your mod Manually?
It's not really 4K, its more like from 360 to 720 lol
@TheFaNTaS11 so, you forgot to update the description with what 1.4.0 adds. @THEFalkone really? Lame. It's still probably a huge improvement.
Where are the screenshots for the upscaled textures? It was said in your description that screenshots will be present?
@THEFalkone is this compatible with La Revo?
@karlo_c99 no
@THEFalkone is this compatible with the new update? probable so but making sure.
@C1E5 should be , haven't had time to check it
what pc specs i need for this?
@THEFalkone only for the textures that you posted in the pics?
@DenoNomads if you could only read description you would know that it's not only those in pictures.
@THEFalkone There's a lot of senseless shit in there, you repentant, that's why I didn't feel like it. I had enough of the shit I saw, you understood you child
Hey, is this mod getting new updates or no? Just curious.
My Lap has 3050 ti will it Handel it?
@PatrickStar Hey, for now it will not receive furthur updates. I may return when i will upgrade my pc and sort my personal issues.
@Hari_Yojuta it will definitely handle it.
I'm having a hard time finding the improved textures or examples of it in-game, installed everything correctly.
How do I install it in gta single player ? Should I replace the files from open iv or directly parte this in the mods folders?