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Any chance you'll release just the alternate tactical grip without the rate of fire changes? I like them more so than the main feature, funnily enough.
My criticism here is that the recoil makes it unnecessarily harder to point at targets, and unfortunately it's even harder when you had more than enough chambers loaded in since the smoke that comes out of it impairs your field of view as they doesn't vanish away as instant as they should, hopefully you can reduce these smoke FX as they are outright obnoxious on First Person Perspective
anu,kalo di luar misi nggak terlalu sih,i'll try my best!
oke,bang. tapi bakalan makan waktu soalnya mainin misi utamanya sama stranger and freaks buat ngerti sama nerjemahin,gak terlaly membantu,>_<
bang,bisa gak namain file-filenya bersama Misi Utamanya? kayak The Long Stretch,terus ama Stranger and Freaks-nya?,kayak Beverly. Nanti aku usahain terjemahin,<3