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You should replicate these on an MP ped model 100% and release them!
Can you make all the tires the SAME SIZE, meaning the front ones aren't extremely wide like they are now? ALSO can you level out this truck as well? It'll be perfect then!
Can you make the front wheels the same width as the rear? I like how skinny one off the back wheels are and not how wide the front ones are. Could you make the front as skinny as the back so all the tires are the same width ALSO can you level out the truck? The rear end sags a little bit. It'll be perfect once you do those things.
This is an amazing truck, definitely one of my favorites. BUT it would be 10x cooler if you centered the back axle! Take out or re work the second door on the front part of the utility box and then scoot the rear wheels/axle forward to center it. Then it would be perfect.
Make this a dually as well! https://www.gta5-mods.com/vehicles/vapid-sandking-xl-stock-add-on-replace
Can you PLEASE add the other main characters from the Prison Break PC game? That would be awesome!
@tolgagures "This is based on Ford F350, not F250. You know wrong." I hope you're joking with this statement. The different between an F250 and F350 is just the size of the frame. The trucks body is the exact same. You clearly don't know your trucks lol.
@vforvlive Hahahaha 1. I like how you immediately refer to foreign pieces of shit trucks. 2. The Sandking is clearly based off of a Ford F-250. 3. I like how you think I'm trolling when I'm stating facts. 4. No, no truck has different size wheels. Bottom line.
@vforvlive No, a waste of my time when I already know. You're not a truck guy irl if you think someone trucks have differenty size wheels in the back. Unless it's a drag racing truck, you're wrong.
@IAmGtaBoy "Hunt Google" Lmao, nah, I know what's right and wrong. Show me a truck irl that has smaller back wheels and tires hahaha