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  • Ee27f8 novus kahn

    Having a weird issue with the scripts aborting.

    [16:33:06] [DEBUG] Instantiating script 'Drake_s_Mod_Menu.Mod_Menu' in script domain 'ScriptDomain_7C4128C7' ...
    [16:33:06] [DEBUG] Started script 'Drake_s_Mod_Menu.Mod_Menu'.
    [16:33:06] [DEBUG] Instantiating script 'Persistence.Persistence' in script domain 'ScriptDomain_7C4128C7' ...
    [16:33:06] [DEBUG] Started script 'Persistence.Persistence'.
    [16:33:06] [DEBUG] Instantiating script 'Whistle_Spear.Spear' in script domain 'ScriptDomain_7C4128C7' ...
    [16:33:06] [DEBUG] Started script 'Whistle_Spear.Spear'.
    [16:34:55] [ERROR] Caught fatal unhandled exception:
    System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
    Parameter name: s
    at System.Text.UTF8Encoding.GetByteCount(String chars)
    at GTA.Native.Function.PushLongString(String string, Int32 maxLengthUtf8)
    at GTA.UIText.Draw(Size offset)
    at GTA.UIText.Draw()
    at Drake_s_Mod_Menu.Mod_Menu.customMainMenu(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    at System.EventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    at GTA.Script.raise_Tick(Object value0, EventArgs value1)
    at GTA.Script.MainLoop()
    [16:35:00] [ERROR] Script 'Drake_s_Mod_Menu.Mod_Menu' is not responding! Aborting ...
    [16:35:00] [DEBUG] Aborted script 'Drake_s_Mod_Menu.Mod_Menu'.

    Unable to translate error, do you know what is wrong here?

    11 Tháng tám, 2019