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  • Redneck

    I vividly remember these vehicles working with one of the dealership mods but its not with PDM any advice? I can spawn the cars but id like to see them in the show room

    05 Tháng một, 2019
  • Redneck

    Owning one of these in real life (a 1994, love it to death) the front running lights (Yellow strips under the headlights) are used as the only turn signal, the side markers on the front stay solid so long as the headlights are on and only come on when the headlamps are on. Rear tail lights also only use the sidemarking lights and the two outermost lights on the tail when using a turn signal or braking. The middle four are only used as running lights much like the yellow strips up front.

    03 Tháng chín, 2017
  • Redneck

    I don't at all come to be a racist when i say this but i think this would go really well in franklin's model, seeing that he is the similar racing type as Claude

    01 Tháng sáu, 2015