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  • 89d018 itsnotlove

    Hey, I'm a user of the SPG mod and I've tested this one (not with SPG, obviously) and I really like this.
    Do you ever intend to fix it somehow? I see the description and how you added "Fall into blue hell because it use old natives", but I'm not very smart amongst that area, so it'd be nice if you could tell me what that means in a simple way. Anyway, any response would be helpful.

    24 Tháng tư, 2017
  • 89d018 itsnotlove

    Hello, I've been a fan of this mod addon since early 2016 and I just need to ask; Do you have any intention to release any more of these extra vehicle garages? There's another Garage Pack which you can use for the garages, all you gotta do is just go mad on the vehicles and save them to the garages and release it. (Pack is here https://www.gta5-mods.com/misc/extra-singleplayer-garages)
    I've got some idea to release a mod addon like this towards the future.
    Anyway, if you do hopefully like my idea (or suggestion), thanks. I'll be checking back every day (I made this account just to make the comment)

    20 Tháng tư, 2017