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    I would love so much to see a Kaman K-MAX dual rotor heli. I think a lot of us would think its pretty cool. If possible I think it would be best to replace the swift or the maverick, but the cargobob would most likely be the easiest. I hope you think it is a cool idea too.

    07 Tháng mười, 2015
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    I would love so much to see a Kaman K-MAX dual rotor heli. I think a lot of us would think its pretty cool. If possible I think it would be best to replace the swift or the maverick, but the cargobob would most likely be the easiest. I hope you think it is a cool idea too.

    07 Tháng mười, 2015
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    I would love so much to see a Kaman K-MAX dual rotor heli. I think a lot of us would think its pretty cool. If possible I think it would be best to replace the swift or the maverick, but the cargobob would most likely be the easiest. I hope you think it is a cool idea too.

    07 Tháng mười, 2015
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    I would love so much to seea Kaman K-MAX dual rotor heli. I think a lot of us would think its pretty cool. If possible I think it would be best to replace the swift or the maverick, but the cargobob would most likely be the easiest. I hope you think it is a cool idea too.

    05 Tháng mười, 2015
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    @SkylineGTRFreak I understand the screenshots show the textures better than a compressed youtube video can. I just used really high AA so the modeling showed the nice crisp edges.

    07 Tháng chín, 2015
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    @SkylineGTRFreak I uploaded a video with the game maxed out. Since I saw the quality was lower in the screenshots. The 1080p60 video willl be rendered soon. Also great job with the mods. Looking forward to an Apache helicopter!

    07 Tháng chín, 2015