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  • Gtao44

    When the character die then I cant activate again Menyoo. Any way to solve that?

    20 Tháng tư, 2021
  • Gtao44

    How can I select the male naked torso or bikini female torso?

    19 Tháng tư, 2021
  • Gtao44

    It is really transparent clothes? can use with every skin color?

    16 Tháng tư, 2021
  • Gtao44

    ¿can be created a custom full bodysuit just like these ones but with another design?

    12 Tháng ba, 2021
  • Gtao44

    @stillhere I dont know anything about create mods. It looks hard for me but thanks. I will kepp looking for.

    03 Tháng một, 2019
  • Gtao44

    @stillhere Neither the wet o bloody wet efect?

    01 Tháng một, 2019
  • Gtao44

    It works. This mod do every woman in the beach is the "topless" model that is in the game already. But it is not a texture mod so the "beach girl" model (they walks near the beach) still with bikini.

    01 Tháng một, 2019
  • Gtao44

    it have night and thermal vision?

    01 Tháng một, 2019
  • Gtao44

    Hello @stillhere. Some days ago I asked a request for an Invisible Man mod. Yesterday I found this mod and I have seen it have some features like the one I would like. I think perhaps you know how it can be done. My request was this:

    "I love the Hollow Man movie and invsible men movies. GTAV is great to recreate that since the character become bright when he is wet (under the rain, for example), he have blood spots when he is hurted, etc. I would love a mod that allow play with an Invisible Man in single player game as follows:

    The character is invisible, but if he wears clothes the clothes arent. Weapons are visible. Just him is invisible.
    Rain, be wet, make him visible as a bright bubble human shape. Just the way in game is showed when the character is wet. Blood spots do the same. If he is hurted we can see the blood over him. Or fire when he is in flames.
    Additional Masks: bandages, in the usual Invisible Man style. Also a Hollow-Man style one would be great too.
    If he wear some clothes but he is not complete covered, for example, he dont wear a mask, people get afraid like when he have a weapon and he get one alert star.
    When he have no clothes or weapons, police or pedestrians cant see him. If there are alert stars is just like when you are hidden trying to mislead the police.
    Finally an sliding control or so to adjust how the player can see the invisible character as a transparent shadow since complete invisibility.

    Really I would love a mod like this one. Please."

    01 Tháng một, 2019
  • Gtao44

    I had the problem with the L key but it is because the NativeUI file must go into the "scripts" folder. Remember NativeUi is a needed file to this mod works.

    Now I can use the characters than they are with the addonpeds (superman, vito_mafia) but the game crash when I select the new ped that I used.

    31 Tháng mười hai, 2018