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    @BoringNeptune Hi Neptune, thank you so much for sharing the awesome work that you do, really appreciate it. Just wondering do you accept paid commission work?

    14 Tháng mười một, 2023
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    Hi Oldnapalm, Thanks heaps for advising me of the situation, that is precisely why i am interested in supporting you and Sardelka. If you both have a shared patreon or some platform for funding could you please share it with me as im truly happy to support the both of you to support and continue this project and if you could please pass me message on to Sardelka as well :)

    06 Tháng mười một, 2023
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    Hello Oldnapalm, I firstly want to say thank you and to Sardelka,EntenKoeniq for develoiping this modification and sharing it with the community and investing your effort and time especially for people like me who are extremely interested and been passionate about a project like this for years. I also would like to ask because am passionate for this project to be worked on and not get terminated so do you all have a patreon where i could support the 3 of you? thank you Oldnapalm.

    06 Tháng mười một, 2023
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    Hi boring neptune, do you accept commissioned requests? I am more then happy to pay a large sum. Thanks in advance

    11 Tháng chín, 2023