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  • 1e7c63 marcinello

    This wonderful mod needs updating.

    14 Tháng chín, 2017
  • 1e7c63 marcinello

    This modification works correctly, one of my favorites.
    Correctly saves the settings. The game starts with the options you have selected .
    No conflicts with other modifications.
    After unpacking, open the file "time scaler" ( ini ) - and look at controls , below is "Open = NO_KEY" .. copy VK and paste instead NO , next copy F6 in file "readme" and paste instead KEY ( It should look like this "OPEN = VK_F6" ).
    In game press F6 and set your own time scaling. Works on any version Grand Theft Auto V .

    I hope I helped you, nice play boys and girls :)

    Do not look at my English.

    Thank You !

    07 Tháng chín, 2017