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    @VoxR4710., I have uploaded my installer to:
    I have no idea how file sharing or even PM'ing works on this site!
    Im happy for you to include it going forward ( i dont need any credit)
    The assembly.xml file in the OIV details where all the files go so if you decide to move the destinations of your files in future, should just be edits to the xml file
    I kept the structure of the source directory fairly flat aside from the dlc_pack files, so minimal navigation is needed when updating going forwards
    Once you have a copy please let me know so I can shut down the shared folder

    13 Tháng mười, 2020
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    Hi @VoxR4710. I had to create an installer for this to help manage my mod installs. Installers are reusable so could be useful for you for future updates. If you are interested let me know and I can drop it somewhere....

    07 Tháng mười, 2020