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    @AFluffykitten you can do the interiors with the trainer as well...

    01 Tháng mười một, 2015
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    if you guys are REALLY having trouble you can load in and customize all the cars using Simple Trainer. i prefer to use benny's, but it works.

    31 Tháng mười, 2015
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    hmm, installed the updated version and now nothing happens when you drive into the yellow circle to sell. will investigate.

    31 Tháng mười, 2015
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    @Killatomate i agree, but for what it is i still prefer it over vanilla handling. and..well...try putting a 900hp supercar sideways at 200kph in real life. you do have to be pretty damn careful with the skinny pedal :)

    26 Tháng mười, 2015
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    @GHOST865 as far as i know, go into the vehicle save/load menu and save it to a slot, then manually load it when you need it again.

    while you're driving it, push K + 1 so it doesn't despawn on you.

    23 Tháng mười, 2015
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    @sjaak327 i've got a question for you. i really like using Szabo's car persistance mod, but it is long outdated and doesn't save newer vehicles. Yours is updated and works great, but you have to manually load vehicles every time.

    Is there any way to make them load into the saved position automatically when the player comes near or loads into the game?

    23 Tháng mười, 2015
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    very nice trainer! taking a couple hours to learn all of the commands i'm likely to use, but i guess that's what happens when there's so many bloody options!

    23 Tháng mười, 2015
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    @Guadmaz works very nice, little buggy but the work is appreciated!

    my only question is the wheels menu seems a bit bugged. is there any way to get the benny's custom wheels from online? or are they just hidden in there somewhere and i didn't find them?

    23 Tháng mười, 2015
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    updated and everything works perfectly just like before the game update. thanks for your hard work alex!

    23 Tháng mười, 2015
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    @AtirusGaming i was thinking the same thing, apparently i just skimmed the readme though. you can turn off interior cars and dont need open interiors to run it anymore. i'll do that now.

    but anyways, it's very nice.
    i'm running it with "Premium Deluxe Motorsport Car Dealership" so i can buy cars out front and sell them in the back.

    12 Tháng mười, 2015