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    If I'm misunderstood I'll use Google Translate (German to English)

    The mod is great, I celebrate it! But it only worked on my cracked GTA5 folder (had modded the DVD retail version)

    When I downloaded the latest licensed version of GTA5 (v1.0.2245.0 July 2021) and modded it (because there are mods that only work on the licensed version) I reinstalled all the mods that I had on the cracked folder and had them tested and they all went (short test only). Since I added Premium Deluxe Motorsport Car Dealership v4.5.1, the game just crashes when I try to come to a dealer or when I park a van at the cloth factory (or other saved place).

    Is there a conflict with the Premium Deluxe Motorsport Car Dealership v4.5.1 Mod?

    09 Tháng bảy, 2021