Imponte Retro Deluxo [ Add-On / Replace | Tuning] 1.0
20 Tháng mười hai, 2017
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Imponte Deluxo
American Power, European luxury.
The Deluxo is one of those cars that will leave a mark in cars history. You can't decribe it with one word, this car is fast, stylish, affordable... There is no reason to pass up this opportunity, the opportunity of making history.
Our engineers at Impote have been working hard to make this car feel soft and powerful without losing any reliability.
It's the perfect machine, the Deluxo has been waiting for you for a long time, yes, for you. You have been buying the cheapest stuff all your life, but now it's time to change that you have a choice to make. Make the right choice and come see us at any imponte dealer, we will be waiting for you.
Big Thanks Too
Carrythxd -For creating the Add-On for me.
DynamoHotRun -For the description & Screenshots.
Boywond -For Interior texture work.
This mod removes all the flying Sh!t from the Deluxo and turns it into a stock daily driver.
-Full LODs
-Glass Shards
-Dirt Mapping
Installation Instructions In Readme
Tải lên lần đầu: 19 Tháng mười hai, 2017
Cập nhật lần cuối: 19 Tháng mười hai, 2017
Last Downloaded: 2 hours ago
78 Bình luận
Do not edit without permission
Imponte Deluxo
American Power, European luxury.
The Deluxo is one of those cars that will leave a mark in cars history. You can't decribe it with one word, this car is fast, stylish, affordable... There is no reason to pass up this opportunity, the opportunity of making history.
Our engineers at Impote have been working hard to make this car feel soft and powerful without losing any reliability.
It's the perfect machine, the Deluxo has been waiting for you for a long time, yes, for you. You have been buying the cheapest stuff all your life, but now it's time to change that you have a choice to make. Make the right choice and come see us at any imponte dealer, we will be waiting for you.
Big Thanks Too
Carrythxd -For creating the Add-On for me.
DynamoHotRun -For the description & Screenshots.
Boywond -For Interior texture work.
This mod removes all the flying Sh!t from the Deluxo and turns it into a stock daily driver.
-Full LODs
-Glass Shards
-Dirt Mapping
Installation Instructions In Readme
Tải lên lần đầu: 19 Tháng mười hai, 2017
Cập nhật lần cuối: 19 Tháng mười hai, 2017
Last Downloaded: 2 hours ago
Where do you find the vehicle.meta for the Deluxo? I have the crash problem when I install the replace version of this mod. My game is fully updated too. I install it correctly, I spawn the deluxo, and once I am in the car I press the button that makes you duck while in a vehicle which is the button that makes the car fly before this mod. Then my game freezes. It worked when I did an addon version but I removed all my addons to try and narrow down some fps issues I am having.01 Tháng một, 2018 -
@TrustNo1 I believe this mod comes with its own vehicle.meta file for the Deluxo, which has edited lines where the weapons are disabled. You should open this file, copy the data from the Deluxo, and use it to replace the data from said car in the original file inside the "mpchristmas2017" DLC file.
Hope I made myself clear!
01 Tháng một, 2018 -
It doesn't come with one but I got a copy from the add on files and did some editing. It works now! :) Thanks for the help!02 Tháng một, 2018 -
It's really nice to have a stock version of the Deluxo. Its flight capabilities R* implemented really took away the immersion for me, tho.
04 Tháng một, 2018 -
@Bob322 However, I might ask you this; do you have any plans on making a stock version of the Stromberg (as in removing its ability to transform into a submersible)? Because it would really improve on the immersion, that way. I'm a huge fan of lore-friendly vehicles.
04 Tháng một, 2018 -
could you make 4 door version of sentinel classic so it looks more like the one from gta vice city ? :)
05 Tháng một, 2018 -
yeah IMO the flying feature of the Deluxo and Swimming feature of the Stromberg should've been an option. Either through MOC upgrades or just a seperate car itself.
09 Tháng một, 2018 -
Good, a non-retarded version of the Deluxo. Now we just need one that looks more like the one from Vice City.
14 Tháng một, 2018 -
before i install this i just wanna know if it still has the deluxo door noise if it does can you replace the door noise? So its more stock instead of it having the opening a door to a ufo? But if it doesnt have the door noise ill give it a try.
13 Tháng chín, 2018 -
How come GTA Online make any civilian version of their default cars like this one? That wouldn't been awesome.
This is why the Modding community is amazing, making stuff that we didn't think that this can be a alternative way to do so.
23 Tháng mười, 2018 -
System.Exception: deluxo not present!
en FusionLibrary.FusionUtils.LoadAndRequestModel(Model model, String name) en D:\BackToTheFutureV\FusionLibrary\FusionUtils.cs:línea 66
en FusionLibrary.CustomModelHandler.PreloadModel(CustomModel customModel) en D:\BackToTheFutureV\FusionLibrary\Other\CustomModelHandler.cs:línea 61
en System.Collections.Generic.List`1.ForEach(Action`1 action)
en BackToTheFutureV.ModelHandler.RequestModels() en D:\BackToTheFutureV\BackToTheFutureV\Utility\ModelHandler.cs:línea 131
en BackToTheFutureV.Main.Main_Tick(Object sender, EventArgs e) en D:\BackToTheFutureV\BackToTheFutureV\Main.cs:línea 74
en SHVDN.Script.MainLoop()
[21:01:53] [ERROR] The exception was thrown while executing the script BackToTheFutureV.Main.
[21:01:53] [WARNING] Aborted script BackToTheFutureV.Main.28 Tháng tám, 2021 -
Make sure you are running the latest patch The Doomsday Heist or the game will crash when entering the car.