Improved GTA 0.2c
Modifies the base GTA to slightly emphasize more realism. Both in Gameplay and UI.
This mod is enabled by default.
Notable Changes: 0.2a - Added Food / Hunger System
Improved GTA is active by default on first loading, to disable it at any time press F12.
You can configure the following at the top of ImpGTA.lua.
Installation: Install to "scripts/addins".
LUA Plugin v10 (Earlier will not work)
Recommended Mods:
Crime and Police Rebalance & Enhancement.
Fuel Script V Mod.
This mod is enabled by default.
Notable Changes: 0.2a - Added Food / Hunger System
Improved GTA is active by default on first loading, to disable it at any time press F12.
You can configure the following at the top of ImpGTA.lua.
- Toggle Auto Enable.
- Toggle hide GPS on foot.
- Toggle Player Ability Disable.
- Toggle Show Build Number.
- Change Enable / Disable Hotkey
- Disable Hunger System / Change Hotkey
- Disable Entire Mod UI
- Increased Player Offensive Damage.
- GPS Hidden Unless Driving a Vehicle or using Phone.
- Reduced Player Health.
- Removed Character Abilities (Trevor Rage etc)
- Hides Police Blips
- Default Oxygen Amount Increased (60 Seconds)
- Hunger system added, depreciates over time. Lower your hunger the worse your accuracy (From Hunger Level 25 Downwards)
- Numerous Food Locations added. Using them recovers both Health and Hunger.
Installation: Install to "scripts/addins".
LUA Plugin v10 (Earlier will not work)
Recommended Mods:
Crime and Police Rebalance & Enhancement.
Fuel Script V Mod.
- Added Xbox 360 Controls for Eating
- Added HIDE_ALL_HUD_TEXT toggle
- Added Hunger Toggle in Config
- Increased oxygen due to feedback
- Added Numerous Food Locations
- Added Food and Hunger System
- Further Increased Oxygen Amount
- Doubled Oxygen Limit
- Added Oxygen Display
- Added easier config.
- Bug Fixes
- Added Phone GPS
- Initial Release
Tải lên lần đầu: 14 Tháng năm, 2015
Cập nhật lần cuối: 20 Tháng năm, 2015
Last Downloaded: 14 Tháng hai, 2025
53 Bình luận
Modifies the base GTA to slightly emphasize more realism. Both in Gameplay and UI.
This mod is enabled by default.
Notable Changes: 0.2a - Added Food / Hunger System
Improved GTA is active by default on first loading, to disable it at any time press F12.
You can configure the following at the top of ImpGTA.lua.
Installation: Install to "scripts/addins".
LUA Plugin v10 (Earlier will not work)
Recommended Mods:
Crime and Police Rebalance & Enhancement.
Fuel Script V Mod.
This mod is enabled by default.
Notable Changes: 0.2a - Added Food / Hunger System
Improved GTA is active by default on first loading, to disable it at any time press F12.
You can configure the following at the top of ImpGTA.lua.
- Toggle Auto Enable.
- Toggle hide GPS on foot.
- Toggle Player Ability Disable.
- Toggle Show Build Number.
- Change Enable / Disable Hotkey
- Disable Hunger System / Change Hotkey
- Disable Entire Mod UI
- Increased Player Offensive Damage.
- GPS Hidden Unless Driving a Vehicle or using Phone.
- Reduced Player Health.
- Removed Character Abilities (Trevor Rage etc)
- Hides Police Blips
- Default Oxygen Amount Increased (60 Seconds)
- Hunger system added, depreciates over time. Lower your hunger the worse your accuracy (From Hunger Level 25 Downwards)
- Numerous Food Locations added. Using them recovers both Health and Hunger.
Installation: Install to "scripts/addins".
LUA Plugin v10 (Earlier will not work)
Recommended Mods:
Crime and Police Rebalance & Enhancement.
Fuel Script V Mod.
- Added Xbox 360 Controls for Eating
- Added HIDE_ALL_HUD_TEXT toggle
- Added Hunger Toggle in Config
- Increased oxygen due to feedback
- Added Numerous Food Locations
- Added Food and Hunger System
- Further Increased Oxygen Amount
- Doubled Oxygen Limit
- Added Oxygen Display
- Added easier config.
- Bug Fixes
- Added Phone GPS
- Initial Release
Tải lên lần đầu: 14 Tháng năm, 2015
Cập nhật lần cuối: 20 Tháng năm, 2015
Last Downloaded: 14 Tháng hai, 2025
@mvp42699 Hunger mode will still work as intended, no checks for godmode.
@mvp42699 You need the latest LUA Plugin v10. Then drag ImpGTA.lua into "scripts/addins". Check Description for more information.
@kaytotes im so confused do you have skype? and tell me im doing something wrong
I don 't know what is going on with the UI the mod gives, but it is flashing for me when I exit the car & I find it kind of anoying. It is like it wants to get hidden but at the same time it wants to appear. So the nide effect is that it is flashing like a disco of the 80's. Ain 't no style for me tho if this is a feature! :p
Btw, I like dis mod very much :D add sleeping & fun mood too if you can, hang out with friends can cheer up, pain & recover stuff is an idea too , idk what u can make of it :p Anyways nice mod for the rest +1 like!
@kaytotes 1) Are all restaurants added to the mod? 2) Are you planing to add sleep enhancement? 3) If you get health/oxigen bars work without GPS, how its going to be the Hunger bar? Sorry hehehe and thanks :)
@mvp42699 How can you be confused by this - this is nearly the easiest possible install and it's been explained. If you don't understand now, don't mod your game.
@mrpras bc i dont understand what he mean by scripts/addins & i dont now if i need use open iv and dont tell me what to do
@SolidDrain Do you have any mods that affect leaving vehicles with the engine on or anything? If that mod has a "wait" command in it, then it will cause the behavior you are describing.
@SolidDrain Could potentially be a conflicting mod. What do you have installed?
@mvp42699 Install the LUA Plugin in the description. Literally drag it all to your GTA folder. Once you've done that you will have a folder called "scripts" inside that another called "addins". Put ImpGTA.lua in there.
@WilfridoElite Not every single restaurant. A combination of factors, didn't want too many since it could cause performance issues querying the distance between the player and the restaurants. I just tried to space them out pretty evenly and logically. Lot's of options in the city, fruit stands on the large ring road. If you find any in Blaine County I missed let me know. Hardly any to be found there, just auto shops and liquor.
@ssnakesbandana exactly, I have the IV style engine on/off mod wich brings a little immersion into the game.
@kaytotes list of installed mods;
-ScriptHookV (ofc ;) )
-FuelScriptV (due recommendation, it 's great!)
-Teleport Menu
-LUA plugin mod
-Crime and Police Rebalance & Enhancement
-Army v1.3.4 (Lazer.asi & tank.asi)
-Cinematic High-Contrast Graphics
-Less aggressive pedestrians
Quiet alot of mods :oo
I found out that ragdoll.lua was causing that behavior. I didn 't mention the mod, mb. IV style engine on/off causes the UI turning into disco effects when I am in car. It was a recently added mod tho. Anyways, sorry for bothering, great mod here!
@kaytotes Hey man, I really like your mod for GTA V,I think it's awesome. In fact I'll be using it on a stream tomorrow, but I just wondered if there's anyway I can disable all the on-screen text, with health /armour etc for added realism. Thanks!
@DestinyExplorer Keep an eye out for 0.2c
great work!
What are you planning more on this mod? :D
Great Idea, kaytotes. I love those kind of mods and I also agree that other realism mods align well with your work. As a suggestion I would probably tell you to include a random mission system. I.E. random assasinations, store-robbing (the mod robable stores?) or something similar. Just something that keeps you in playing the game, you know. Stealing and delivering cars, robbing stores or banks, delivering weapons, sell drugs, drug-wars, gang-wars, assassinations... That's something you could add, if you got the ressources for that of course :) A big issue I have (not with this mod in particular, with mods that add alot of blips in general) is that all my mission blips disappear and I can't play the missions anymore, as I'm not 100% through yet. I actually want to play to 100% modded. Are there any solutions yet? Keep up the great work!
@mvp42699 did you Download the LUA plugin that he wrote in the description as requirements?
if you download that file and put it in your GTA V folder you should find a scripts folder and in that you'll find an addins folder. Hope this helped. Cause that's all I can think of that you might have missed.
The menu is flashing, like the health and amount? its flashing... the game isn't but the menu is, help please?
*Note to my last comment, i do not have the ragdoll.lua or a mod like it, the menu just flashes! as soon as i get into the game.
Looking at the script and trying to edit it so the GPS mini-map/radar only shows when a waypoint is set (rather than when driving or using a phone). Is this possible?