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  • 4e82dd img 3861

    Hello! First of all, thanks for continuing to support this mod. The next update is well underway, which will probably be the last release for at least a long time. Full transparency, this mod has been extremely time consuming and draining to work on, with hours being put into it. I want this next release to be solid, and as bug free as possible in order to provide a fun experience for a long time! It is 90% complete, still just ironing out bugs that are driving me crazy lol. All jokes aside, all known bugs have been patched, and new features will be coming out with this update. Including 600+ pickup locations so passengers no longer spawn in the middle of the road. It will be restricted to city only for the time being, as adding pickups for the city alone has taken hours. The mod will remain open source, allowing anyone to make changes as they see fit. The release 0.3.1a that is up currently, is a buggy mess and the next release has been written entirely from scratch. Once again, thanks for your continued support of the mod and I'm excited to share the next release with all of you soon!

    12 Tháng ba, 2024
  • 4e82dd img 3861
    Đã đánh dấu bình luận

    This mod is officially outdated and support has ended. Please download the updated version here: https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/uber-driver-revamped

    16 Tháng hai, 2024
  • 4e82dd img 3861

    Feel free to view the code in dotPeek in the mean time

    26 Tháng một, 2024
  • 4e82dd img 3861

    @azawale3 I will open source when I get around to it! Source code for this mod is on an old laptop and code is pretty outdated!

    26 Tháng một, 2024
  • 4e82dd img 3861

    @jinshu2145 Will be fixed in the next release. However please report bugs on GitHub, not the mods comment section.

    09 Tháng mười hai, 2023
  • 4e82dd img 3861

    Kinda random, but what graphics mod are you using? Looks amazing

    19 Tháng mười một, 2023
  • 4e82dd img 3861
    Đã đánh dấu bình luận

    Please refrain from posting bug reports in the comments here. Instead, please report bugs on the official GitHub page that can be found in the mods description.

    10 Tháng mười một, 2023
  • 4e82dd img 3861

    @Rosthchild Reagan Hey! Wasn’t going to share this information till later, but seeing as this mod is still pretty active I’ll share this now. I’ve once again remade the mod from scratch, cleaning up code, eliminating all known bugs, bringing back all disabled features and new features as well. In the new release, there will also be the ability to honk from a distance for a passenger to enter from further. As for the door not closing, that is a rockstar issue as I’m simply using their natives, however I will add a check if they’re in the vehicle, the door will close. Thanks for your feedback!

    02 Tháng mười một, 2023
  • 4e82dd img 3861

    @brittz Hey! Just added a license over to the GitHub page, https://github.com/chillnook/UberDriverMod/blob/main/LICENSE
    Essentially saying you are allowed to redistribute as long as I'm credited :)

    10 Tháng bảy, 2023
  • 4e82dd img 3861

    Reverted back to 0.3.1a due to some issues with the release of 0.4a

    06 Tháng ba, 2023