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  • 5fcd85 waterfox 2017 11 30 20 55 59

    V1.2: Removed feature of automatically splitting mod-packs based on file size and 4.2gb limit. Seperate DLC packs manually and use a different workbook for each. Tweaked handling values to show realistic gearing for 7,8,9 speeds and updated driveforce calculation for 0-60 times (should be within 0.2 seconds for most cars, slower 0-60 times (10+) will be inaccurate some)

    04 Tháng hai, 2018
  • 5fcd85 waterfox 2017 11 30 20 55 59

    Input data into the one table on the first sheet (the one in the screenshot) and in the output sheet you can select .meta data that is generated from the data you input to insert into your meta files

    02 Tháng hai, 2018
  • 5fcd85 waterfox 2017 11 30 20 55 59

    @Remexy_ something like that. Check out the forum topic for a step by step tutorial. I wish it was as easy as dragging car files and generating the .meta files but I tried to design this sheet to be as easy to use as possible. Find me on discord if you have any problems and I can help :)

    01 Tháng hai, 2018
  • 5fcd85 waterfox 2017 11 30 20 55 59

    V1.1.1 tweaked shift values for non-DCT vehicles, fixed driveforce calculation values (forgot to autofill a sheet down)

    30 Tháng một, 2018
  • 5fcd85 waterfox 2017 11 30 20 55 59

    V1.1: fixed bug with carcols.meta generation and fixed erroneous lookup for V6 audiohash (V6 lookup table was not in order, VLOOKUP failed to work)

    30 Tháng một, 2018
  • 5fcd85 waterfox 2017 11 30 20 55 59

    Just want to testify I have 2300 Cars installed (over 12 DLCs) and using this gameconfig with 2x traffic my game runs absolutely perfectly no issues, you wouldn't even know it's modded.

    18 Tháng một, 2018