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  • Michael3

    Damn, your game is looking pretty fine! Which mods do you have on? (Obviously other than Lights+)

    21 Tháng mười, 2021
  • Michael3

    I tried to signify no assignment for any keys that enables the airbrake, but when I start the game and press F6 (the default airbrake key), the airbrake enables. Same thing with the controller settings. I removed the trainer from my game files and installed it several times already and nothing changes. You should look into this.

    22 Tháng mười hai, 2020
  • Michael3

    There's two errors that I found with the mod's description:

    1) It's not "h4_prop_h4_cash_stock_01a.ydr", it's "h4_prop_h4_cash_stack_01a.ydr"
    2) "h4_prop_h4_cash_stack_01a.ydr" is found inside the "prop_h4_money_01.rpf" file that is inside the "props" folder. I don't see how putting the modified cash_stack outside of where it was supposed to be will change the appearance of the money stack.

    20 Tháng mười hai, 2020
  • Michael3

    Seems like the issue is caused by ScriptHook's newest version, my old comment is outdated.

    18 Tháng mười hai, 2020
  • Michael3

    Mod crashes the game on the loading screen after the Cayo Perico Heist update. Update needed.

    18 Tháng mười hai, 2020