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I can't play the game right now as my computer is too worn out for this kind of requirements.
I love the updates and your continuing excellence in enabliing us to enjoy these content. although I cannot verify if the map fix along with your mod of fixing the issue I hope that it would be successful.
One thing that pops in my mind is that I saw that you rely on the enhance native trainer to modify the vehicles and that the MK2 weapons relied on the military trader to get. On one hand I understand it is very hard to get everything from GTA Online into the game and you have done an excellent job in doing so.
Thing is, I knew that it is hard but having the weapons mechanic and the vehicle mechanic would be more faithful to the original feeling of the GTA. Also, the mechanic function allow us to choose modifications and remove them without cost if we don't want them. Like the military trader system, if you want to change the attachments, you can't see it and you will lose money in the process.
That is just my opinion, but excellent work and good job in adding all facilities.
A bit late and I can't play GTA V right now as my computer is too "worn out" for this kind of game.
I must say that I love this mod because of the NFS police cars which is what I would call "close to impractical but more on the cool factor" Still this is a game so that does not matter so much. It is good that this is in GTA to give the cars a rebirth even though we would need special scripts about NFS style street racing to give the cars a reason to exist.
However, based on your description it would seem that you have replaced all of the LED lights with the old school style halogen lights completed with the old style computers from the original game.
I love this faithfulness to the original game, but I think it would also be perfect to introduce the newly updated version of these vehicles to 2013 standard with up to date style computers and modern lights (Since I can't play the game, I assume that there is no such modern version). This is to give the players a choice - stay faithful or try the new style with an appreciation of NFS style police cars. It can be like this (policecar1legacy) for original variants or (policecar2013) for the modern ones since GTA V is set in 2013.
Don't know, but I love the concept and hope that more people would appreciate the excellent work
Love this mod and everything works except the Doomsday heist business. The first time I could use the Left Control + Insert to enable the loading the Doomsday heist business content. However, after the second time it is not possible for it takes too long and after combining with the other mods it just crashed.
Love this mod and everything works minus the above - sorry for keep bothering you
Well, not every computer are the same. However, I tried so many times that it is not working.
I know it is very tough work and you have a lot on your plate but producing a version of this mod without relying on a mod that would not be updated is recommended. Not just because of me but I look onto the internet and found that considerable number of people had reported the same problem despite install all the Microsoft software recommended by the mod author. I believe the problem is that once a mod is not updated and is used with other mods, there are some incompatibilities as the programming information will not be updated to new version including game version.
There are other people producing mods with similar functions like the ones by I am not mental.
in a way, how should I write the dclist file to make sure the map fix file works?
I did, applied the map fix by adding the mp map fix into the dlcpacks and adding the information to the dclists.
Unless I somehow messed up of what to write in the dclists file in
@HKH191 Author
I retry this mod. It turns out the file corruption is only one of the issue. This primary issue is the fragile state of the Single Player Garage. I could usually access the garages provided by the mod but it constantly says "an error occurred" and therfore when I approach the facility garages the doors are usually not there and entering the yellow entry point will just result in a dark facility. I have reinstalled SPG for at least 10 times with no success. Since the mod is not updated sending this report to the original mod author is not going to be helpful.
Good thing the Doomsday business mod is on and I will try it soon
I fully support this mod. Excellent work and you should be given more recognition for your efforts in incorporating the multiplayer content into single player.
Okay I found out the problem, it is the case of the dlc file being corrupted for the download reason
Be advised however the garage that shares the same location with online interior facility is not really working