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    Will you also add Tuners DLC Online NPCs models like Mimi, Sessanta, and Lil' Dee into Bodyguards option?

    03 Tháng mười một, 2021
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    Can you add all Tuners DLC NPCs including Mimi into bodyguards menu when updating ENT?

    23 Tháng bảy, 2021
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    Can you add the "NPC can steal vehicles" feature that will make any random NPCs to steal any vehicles (parked, occupied, and even player-occupied)?

    28 Tháng ba, 2021
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    Can you also make a hijab outfit/headscarf for Amanda?

    28 Tháng mười hai, 2020
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    Also shop's doors won't open even I had 'Disable Despawn of DLC Vehicles' disabled. :(

    27 Tháng mười hai, 2020
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    I found the bug issue regarding Hydra jet, after I get out of the Hydra, it despawns right away.

    27 Tháng mười hai, 2020
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    @Slash_Alex You can also add these other missing NPC models besides El Rubio and Pavel into bodyguard menu for the next update

    Patrick "Packie" McReary (Random Event NPC)
    Lacey Jonas (Random Event NPC)
    Antonia Bottino (Random Event NPC)
    Avon Hertz (Online NPC)
    Yung Ancestor (Online NPC)
    Gustavo (Cayo Perico Online NPC)
    Miguel Madrazo (Cayo Perico Online NPC)

    25 Tháng mười hai, 2020
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    I found the glitch regarding Sparrow helicopter I spawned, the issue is the rotor blade is folded after spawning.

    Also new Cayo Perico NPCs including El Rubio, Pavel, and etc. are still missing and not added in online model in bodyguards menu.

    24 Tháng mười hai, 2020
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    Does this despawn prevention only apply for online vehicles? And does the rest of traffic vehicles will despawn as usual?

    23 Tháng mười hai, 2020
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    Can you also implement "Peds Can Steal Vehicles" toggle that allow certain random peds to steal any vehicles (even one with player is inside/using)? And as well "Angry Peds Can Chase You In Vehicle" toggle which enable angry peds to commandeer any nearby parked vehicles to chase down the player in a vehicle?

    21 Tháng mười hai, 2020