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Join Me Peds [ASI] 7.0



join me peds
make pals with up to 7 peds!

they will protect you and follow you anywhere,
on foot, in any vehicle or even with a parachute.

in case of trouble they will attack hostile peds
but also they will shoot any object you shoot at.

if this aint enough you can now call up to 40! additional armed peds for backup.
(god mode doesnt apply for them, and they wont follow you in vehicles once they arrived at your position)

you can set random or player weapon for your pals.
setting random, every ped will get 1 random weapon and stick to it.
setting player weapon, all pals will use the same weapon as the player at any time.
there is also a godmode for the pals (check below in controls section)
and a new experimental cops only mode for LSPDFR.

if you enter a vehicle, your pals will also join you.
when your vehilce is full, the remaining pals will grab a nearby vehicle to follow you.
if there is no vehicle of your current type (like when you grab the only heli around)
the same model will be spawned for your pals.
now you can take any seat in a vehicle and let one of your pals drive or fly to your waypoint.

of course there is still pogo and rave mode.
make the city a big party (or mess) involving all peds around you.

you can start animations for pals and player with a keystroke.
depending on pogo or rave mode is on or off different random animations will be triggered
(dancing or taunting or pogo).

check out the 2nd video below introducing the main features.
any keypress made in that video will be shown as ingame notification.
names of the keys are the same as in the ini file...

default controlls:
- press "J" to make closest ped join you (R3 & L2 on controller)
- longpress "J" fill your pals up to 7
- aim on ped and press "Q" or DPAD UP to make ped join you
- press "B" to make all your pals leave (R3 & L3 on controller)
- longpress "B" for alternate ending
- press "U" start random animation for pals and player
- longpress "U" stop animation and change to new group formation
- longpress "F" to enter closest vehicle seat (Y on controller)
- press "I" to clear pals visual damage
- longpress "I" to clone last recruited pal

- press "K" to call for backup
- longpress "K" to teleport distant pals to player
- press "X" to start a pogo / rave with everyone arround
- longpress "X" to toggle between pogo and rave mode
- press "Y" stop the pogo / rave
- longpress "Y" to spawn 3 rottweilers in front of you
- press "SHIFT" and "S" to toggle scare peds on and off

-- while in weapon wheel (TAB pr LB on controller)
- press "R" to toggle ped weapon to random or player (B on controller)
- press "G" to change ped godmode (X on controller)
--> 0: off
--> 1: invincible except bullets and melee
--> 2: invincible
- press "C" to toggle cops mode (Y on controller)
--> 0: off - any ped arround will join your group
--> 1: no cops - any ped arround except cops and swat will join you
--> 2: cops only - only cops will join your group

-- while driving / flying as passenger
- press "SHIFT" to toggle ped driving fast or slow (A on controller)
- longpress "E" (horn) to take control over vehicle or
have the pal on the passenger seat take over(press left stick on controller)

depending on your framerate you might want to adjust longpressDuration in the ini file
if you have to press the key to long for the longpress to trigger... (lower value -> faster longpress)

most keycodes are easily customizable in the ini file.

credits: basicly anyone posting findings about natives or coding examples online :)

requirements: script hook v

dont use this mod online - i wont be resposible if you get banned !

installation: just extract the files to your GTA5 root directory

if you use lots of other script mods some functions may fail sometimes.
apart from that... you tell me...


- added ability to be joined by specific peds (aiming at ped and press dpad up or "Q")
- added voices for female and other male player models
- added ini option to set female and male voice (see comments in ini for working voices)
- added ini option to set female and male voices to ramdom
- added ini option to disable all mod dialogs
- added ini option to change backup ped models
- added ini option to set backup ped weapons to random
- minor fixes

- added 2 new weapons from criminal enterprises
- added ini option to set maximum distance pals are shooting at target (line 81)

- added teleport distant or stuck pals back to player (longpress "K" - key-backup)
- added ini option to swtch off teleporting particle effects (line 96)
- added alternate dismissing pals (longpress "B" - key-release)
- fixed first and random weapon behaviour
- fixed vehicle now removed when driver pal died
- fixed clone pal crashing mod when no pals active

- added new dlc weapons (contracts)
- fixed crashes (hopefully)
- no ini changes

- added clear pals visual damage (default key I)
- added clone last recruited pal (defaul longpress I)
- more aggressive animals

- new ini options for group formation and spacing
(setting ped-formation to random will give you the old behaviour)

- new weapon mode: first (peds will keep the first weapon they got)
- ini changes will be live updated in game now (changes need to be saved!)
- new ini option to set pals ragdoll on / off

- big update !
- partly rewritten
- improved performance
- improved stability
- added backup call - for each call, 10 armed peds will come to your position and assist you in combat
- added weapon components for peds (special bullets wont work for the peds though)
- added cops only mode (set no-cops = 2 or change in game) - experimental for LSPDFR
- reassigning random ped weapons now creates a new set of random weapons
- swapping car seats now also works from driver seat, so you pal will take over and drive to your waypoint
- enabled some ped animations while in vehicle
- lost peds will drive back to player
- added options to disable hotkeys in ini file (see comments in ini file)
- blip colors can be set in ini now
- driving style for pals in drive-me mode can be set in ini now
- lots of fixes and improvements

- peds are now dismissed when player is changed
- added all new weapons
- minor fixes
- updated to latest natives
- no more virtual keycodes needed in ini file
(credits to @elsewhat - took it from the scene director code on github... cheers)

- fixed peds not shooting cops (got broken on 4.1)

- added second trigger key for keyboard inputs
- added all keyboard and controller inputs to ini file
- improved animal attacking
- fixed SWAT pals shooting at player if not a cop
- fixed pal godmode not applying instantly
- small fixes and inprovements...

- complete makeover
- pals can have random weapons or using the same one as the player
- pals shoot at objects player is shooting at, no matter if hostile or not
- pals engage in melee with player
- pal godmode
- improved pals following in vehicles
- enter any vehicle seat
- pals can drive or fly you to a wayponit
- pals follow with parachute
- new pal animations
- new ini settings
- some mod settings adjustable in game
- spawn 3 rottweilers
- animals can enter vehicles (without human animations)
- ...

- added dances from after hours update to rave mode
- fixed bug in rave mode after SKIP-RADIO-FORWARD() was removed by R

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Tải lên lần đầu: 09 Tháng mười, 2017
Cập nhật lần cuối: 07 Tháng tám, 2022
Last Downloaded: 23 hours ago

All Versions

 7.0 (current)

6.442 tải về , 200 KB
07 Tháng tám, 2022


381 tải về , 200 KB
02 Tháng tám, 2022


2.275 tải về , 200 KB
18 Tháng hai, 2022


390 tải về , 200 KB
11 Tháng hai, 2022


2.100 tải về , 200 KB
03 Tháng chín, 2021


283 tải về , 200 KB
29 Tháng tám, 2021


478 tải về , 200 KB
22 Tháng tám, 2021

 6.0 (Big Update!)

1.734 tải về , 200 KB
22 Tháng năm, 2021


1.972 tải về , 100 KB
25 Tháng hai, 2021


6.274 tải về , 100 KB
24 Tháng mười, 2018


237 tải về , 100 KB
23 Tháng mười, 2018


524 tải về , 100 KB
18 Tháng mười, 2018


1.086 tải về , 80 KB
20 Tháng tám, 2018

245 Bình luận