Honda NSX [Replace] 1.0
it isnt funny dude do seriously
It's so beautiful car!! Keep going♥
Hi Nico ^^
rip credits
@ReNNie that kinda coments are why most of japan moders dosnt release anything.
hmmm fair point
tbh I downloaded it merely to see if it wasn't completely stolen from you or erfet
maybe I was a little harsh because of the lack of description :)
so, for anyone else, this still needs work as of now it's lacking dials, hands on steering wheel and has specular bug on the chrome rims
That's right.
Love NSX
sorry man I just gave rating by rennie reference
car is good but use some HQ models next time ;)
Criticism will let down not a few Japanese modders (especially vehicle modders) too much and some of them don't want to publish mods here because of criticism, but they gotta realize they should make mods seriously.
As a Japanese modder, I'm really sad to know many Japanese modders hate criticism too much...
@kagikn I miss jintei398, stancedKZ aka kazuma garage and choco :(